AMESSI: Charlatanisme des Médecines Alternatives

vendredi 14 juillet 2006

Homeopaths 'endangering lives' by offering malaria remedies

Alok Jha, science correspondent. Friday July 14, 2006 - The Guardian

Doctors and scientists have warned holidaymakers not to use homeopathic remedies for malaria and other serious tropical diseases or their lives could be put at risk.

The warning follows an investigation by the BBC which found 10 homeopathic clinics and pharmacies allegedly went against government guidelines by recommending unproven remedies for malaria and other tropical diseases such as typhoid, dengue fever and yellow fever.

Scientists said the homeopaths' advice was reprehensible and likely to endanger lives. Professor Geoffrey Pasvol, a tropical medicine expert at Imperial College London, said: "Medical practitioners would be sued, taken to court and found guilty for far less. What this investigation has unearthed is appalling."

Malaria is a major risk to people travelling in the tropics and can kill within days of the first symptoms. Almost 2,000 people returned to Britain with malaria last year and 12 died. According to the Department of Health, most cases resulted from people not taking the appropriate protective drugs.

Dr Ron Behrens, director of the travel clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, said: "We have treated people ... who thought they were protected by homeopathic medicines and contracted malaria."

In 2005 the Health Protection Agency issued a warning because of people falling seriously ill when using homeopathic remedies. Its advisory committee on malaria said: "Herbal remedies have not been tested for their ability to prevent or treat malaria and are not licensed for these uses ... There is no scientific proof that homeopathic remedies are effective in either preventing or treating malaria."

In the BBC's Newsnight investigation, an undercover researcher went to 10 alternative health clinics. She asked for advice on protecting herself from malaria on a holiday to Africa and each time was recommended homeopathic products instead of being directed to a GP or conventional travel clinic. Among the clinics and pharmacies visited were the Vale Practice in East Dulwich, Helios in Covent Garden, and Nelsons off Oxford Street in London.

A spokesperson for Nelson's said staff were trained to provide responsible advice about malaria protection, and to advise that patients should consult a GP before deciding on treatments. "We are concerned to hear that this may not have happened in this case and have taken immediate steps to reiterate to the pharmacy team that this advice must be given."

A statement from Helios said: "We give advice on traditional homeopathic remedies which have been used by people for many decades in their attempt to avoid conventional treatment for malaria. There are many bibliographic references to the use of these remedies."

The Vale Practice said it was "a complementary therapy centre that does exactly that - complement the medical model. This, however, can only be done after a thorough consultation. In this instance a consultation was refused and direct and leading questions were put to the homeopath which can be taken out of context. Unfortunately this example is unrepresentative of practice policies. The Vale Practice ... has a policy of referring to the GP whenever indicated."

Finalement, contrairement à ce qu'on entend partout, l'homéopathie a bien des effets secondaires : la mort de ceux qui y croient. Les adeptes d'AMESSI sont donc un groupe à risque q'il conviendrait de vacciner.

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jeudi 6 juillet 2006

Scientist supporting herbal HIV remedy suspended

06/07/06 12:34

Researcher faces university investigation after work with unproven AIDS treatment.

Natasha Bolognesi

Mysterious medicine: Secomet V is made from the red clover, Trifollium pratense.
The University of Cape Town in South Africa has closed down the laboratories of one of its top scientists, who has been supporting an unproven herbal AIDS remedy.

Girish Kotwal, head of medical virology at the university's Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, has been temporarily suspended from his research duties so the university can investigate his association with the plant extract Secomet V, which is manufactured and distributed by the Stellenbosch-based company Secomet.

Secomet V has found a champion in Kotwal (see 'Bad Medicine'). But there have as yet been no clinical trials of the product.

Kotwal has published some data from a trial with four individuals showing that the herbal extract, which comes as a Coca-Cola-coloured liquid, acts as a broad-spectrum inhibitor of viral entry. But Kotwal's work has also shown that it can be toxic to cells, at least in the test tube. He acknowledges that much more testing is needed before the product should be used clinically.

Two AIDS patients in Stellenbosch died earlier this year after sudden liver failure. Neither had been on antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), says their doctor Lisa Hellstrom, but both were taking Secomet V. Another of Hellstrom's patients, who has taken both ARVs and Secomet V, has been found to have abnormal liver enzymes.

The product does not seem to be properly registered in the country as a herbal or complementary medicine, and some have raised potential ethical concerns about the university's sales royalty agreement with Secomet.

This royalty agreement will be reviewed by the university on completion of their investigation, says the university's manager of marketing and communications, Skye Grove.

Taking action

The institute's director Greg Hussey has said that Kotwal was dealing with Secomet in a personal capacity, and has said that his behaviour regarding the product is unacceptable. The matter was brought to the attention of higher university authorities by the investigations of Nature Medicine, which first reported on Kotwal's involvement with Secomet on 28 June 2006 (see 'Bad medicine').

Cheryl de la Rey, deputy vice-chancellor of the university, told they are taking the matter seriously.

Certain allegations of possible professional misconduct in respect of Kotwal are under investigation, says Grove. "The preliminary investigation committee convened on Monday 3 July to decide what the charges against him will be. He has been temporarily suspended from his research duties, and his laboratory has been closed, pending the outcome of this," says Grove.

Kotwal told that he cannot communicate with the press until the investigation has been completed.

Secomet, meanwhile, continues to sell their product. Their website says that the herbal extract "is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease" but adds that: "patients generally experience a lowering of viral load, which allows their CD4 count to stabilize and then to start improving."

Chairman of South African Medicine's Control Council (MCC), Peter Eagles, told that "Secomet cannot trade making medicinal claims. The company's conduct will be discussed at an MCC meeting on Friday 7 July when the matter will be put forward for further clarity and investigation." Secomet refused to comment to

L'Afrique du Sud est un havre pour les médecines 'alternatives' contre le SIDA soutenues par certains politiques, dont le président Mbeki et son Ministre de la Santé, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang. On se rappellera notamment le cas des pilules multivitaminiques du Dr Rath censées combattre le SIDA, des cancers, etc. Il est donc intéressant de constater qu'il n'est quand même pas possible d'y faire du n'importe quoi médical, comme de recommander des produits potentiellement dangereux sans tests scientifiques, avec en plus un lien financier pouvant générer un conflit d'intérêt.

Article du Skepdic sur le Dr Rath

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